24 January 2011

big idea blast.


where do we come from and where are we going. is there some purpose or meaning or significance to life or is it simply random causality. can we truly know in either case? are there privileged mystics/saints/shamans who know such things. is this the matrix? is all this just a means to another end, and therefore meaningless or inconsequential?


why are some people considerate and some people are evil/self-serving? is compassion an inherent trait or can it be taught or developed? does compassion serve some greater end; is it an anomaly within an otherwise messed up world? is love that important or merely a nice feeling? is compassion a weakness? Jesus/faith/servanthood/mission. women seem more compassionate than men, generally. does compassion break down at some point into futility--is it futile to have compassion on those who squander it or return it in no way?


"war, what is it good for?!" we should go to war always with tears. war seems necessary and inevitable at times. war also seems horrible and terrifying. no one wants war but everyone wants vengeance/retribution/justice. is there a way that diplomacy can override war altogether or is war always necessary in a world where evil rulers threaten others?

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